The Science of Possessions

Children live their lives surrounded by their own and others’ possessions. This group of projects examine how young children and adults think about these possessions.


Current Projects

Expressions of Identity

Others’ possessions tells us a great deal about their identity. For example, knowing what a person owns can be informative for understanding their preferences, cultural group membership, wealth, hobbies, and interests. This project is examining at what age children use possessions learn about other people.

Ownership Rights

Owners have unique rights over their property. They can use their property in ways others cannot without permission. In this group of projects we are examining factors that affect what adults and children think influence what owners and can and cannot do with their property. Are owners always entitled to do as they wish? What limits owners’ rights?

Learn more

Want to learn more about the science of possessions? Check out some recent work:

Nancekivell, S.E., Ho, V., & Denison, S., (2020) Who knows what? Preschoolers appreciate the link between ownership and knowledge. Developmental Psychology, 56, 880-887.

Nancekivell, S.E., Gelman, S.A., & Friedman, O. (2019). Ownership matters: People possess a naive theory of ownership. Trends in Cognitive Sciences.